Thoughts are free. Every sports bettor has certainly thought about turning his hobby into a profession. How would it be to make a profit every day, with which you can easily earn a living? Set a few tips early and then just enjoy the day? At this point, it is completely up to us whether this is fulfilling or not. The fact is, there are actually some professionals in the sports betting scene who can even afford quite a lavish lifestyle. However, the vast majority of them fail miserably in their professional endeavors. Why this is so, we explain to you following.
The basics for a successful career

If you want to choose sports betting as a profession, you cannot start overnight. All professionals who are successful today have years of experience. They have virtually grown into sports betting. Only those who learn how to bet over a long period of time, recognize their mistakes and fight this, have any chance at all to act as a betting professional. The path to becoming a professional gambler is long, rocky and marked by many disappointments.
Important basics for sports betting as a profession are, in our view, the following points:
- The right betting strategy: if you are looking for the right betting system, you will very quickly discover that there is actually no such thing as the “golden road”. Every strategy has advantages and disadvantages. It is important to constantly optimize your own betting behavior.
- Emotionless betting: Real professionals are not guided by their “feelings”. A basic rule is for example: Never place a bet on your favorite team. Often, the team’s performance is viewed through rose-colored glasses.
- Only place solo tips: Each additional tip on a betting slip brings a separate risk. Therefore, real betting professionals only place solo bets, even if the profit is lower at the first moment.
- Use specialist knowledge: Successful bets can only be placed with the appropriate sports knowledge. A soft spot for sports is the basic requirement for a professional gambler. Furthermore, you must be ready to absorb new information at any time. The facts about the current sports events must be brought up daily.
- Betting only once a day: The tips should be bet only once a day if possible. If you are constantly sitting in front of the computer or the sports betting app, you tend very quickly to so-called rage bets.
- No live tips: The same applies to live betting. Experienced sports betting professionals only work in the pre-match sector, not least because of the higher odds.
The necessary financial requirements

Another important point is finances. If you want to make it as a sports betting professional, you need as high a starting capital as possible, with which longer loss phases can be absorbed. Furthermore, additional money must be available with which the livelihood can be secured for at least one year. As a rule of thumb:
- Rent, insurance, food, vacations, reserves, money for the families, etc. are in your account for one year in advance
- You have another 15,000 to 20,000 euros in cash available.
If these financial conditions are given and you do not maintain a luxurious lifestyle, then they can make their first thoughts about sports betting as a profession.
Conclusion: The majority of the betting friends stay on the track
We can only advise against the career goal “sports betting professional”. The preponderance of customers ends up on the losing road, which can sometimes take on very bitter faces. Consider the tips as a pleasant hobby, which flushes the one or other euro additionally into the cash. Even if you have reached a level that would be enough to make a living, you should never disregard the risks.